About Us

Founded in 2010, tradeshowz.com is a large database of expos, trade shows, exhibitions, trade fairs, convention and conferences in North America.

There are so many events happening in many different places. It is seen that many people want to attend certain trade show, but cannot as they do not have the right information about the events happening in their city or country or in any other city or country. To provide the necessary information about different events happening all over the North America we, at Tradeshowz, provide all the necessary information to help out.

The content on trade shows , exhibitions and conferences etc. given on Tradeshowz.com is informative in nature and has been gathered from different sources (Mostly official website or venue calendar). We do not hold any responsibility of miscommunication or misinformation regarding the venue, organizer , date etc. of the events mentioned here. Kindly confirm the dates, venue, organizer etc. of the event from the relevant authorities for last minute changes.